
 An Overview on Anticancer Activities of the Viscum Album Extract Isorel®
An Overview on Anticancer Activities of the Viscum Album Extract Isorel®
Zarkovic Neven
Vukovic Tea
Loncaric Iva
Miletic Martina
Zarkovic Kamelija
Borovic Suzana
Cipak Ana
Sabolovic Senka
Konitzer Martin
Mang Susanne
63-Year-Old Male Opts to Delay Surgical Resection of Intralobar Pulmonary Sequestration: A Case Report
63-Year-Old Male Opts to Delay Surgical Resection of Intralobar Pulmonary Sequestration: A Case Report
Sreter Katherina
Stancic-Rokotov Dinko
Mazuranic Ivica
Pavlovic Ladislav
Djakovic Zeljko
Samarzija Miroslav
99mTc-MIBI SPECT/CT Scintigraphy and Ultrasound of the Anterior Neck Region in Diagnosing Parathyroid Gland Pathology in Patients with Thyroid Nodules
99mTc-MIBI SPECT/CT Scintigraphy and Ultrasound of the Anterior Neck Region in Diagnosing Parathyroid Gland Pathology in Patients with Thyroid Nodules
Gladić Nenadić Vedrana
Šiško Markoš Ines
Punda Marija
Blažeković Ivan
Franceschi Maja
Fröbe Ana
Jukić Tomislav
A Case Report of Perineural Cysts, Also Known as Tarlov Cysts
A Case Report of Perineural Cysts, Also Known as Tarlov Cysts
Zadravec Dijana
Margetić Petra
Smoljan Mia
Župetić Ivana
A pilot study—is there a role for mitoxantrone pleurodesis in the management of pleural effusion due to lung cancer?
A pilot study—is there a role for mitoxantrone pleurodesis in the management of pleural effusion due to lung cancer?
Sreter Katherina-Bernadette
Jakopovic Marko
Janevski Zoran
Samarzija Miroslav
Zarogoulidis Paul
Kioumis Ioannis
Mparmpetakis Nikolaos
Pataka Athanasia
Zarogoulidis Konstantinos
Tsiouda Theodora
Kosmidis Christoforos
Mpaka Sofia
Huang Haidong
Hohenforst-Schmidt Wolfgang
Charalampidis Charalampos
Machairiotis Nikolaos
Zaric Bojan
Milovancev Aleksandar
Acquired Factor V Inhibitor: A Case Report
Acquired Factor V Inhibitor: A Case Report
Gaćina Petar
Kušec Rajko
Čaržavec Dubravka
Raić Biserka
Stančić Vladimir
Acute stroke treatment during COVID-19 pandemic "lockdown" period – Croatian experience
Acute stroke treatment during COVID-19 pandemic "lockdown" period – Croatian experience
Poljaković Zdravka
Roje Bedeković Marina
Čaljkušić Krešimir
Matijaca Meri
Pintarić Irena
Vuletić Vladimira
Bonifačić David
Bralić Marina
Ljevak Josip
Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the distal trachea: a case report
Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the distal trachea: a case report
Djakovic Z.
Janevski Z.
Cesarec V.
Sreter K.B.
Stancic-Rokotov D.
